Grey Cup Newborn photos :: Baby K
When Melissa wrote me to inquire about a newborn lifestyle session, she mentioned she knew I usually take more documentary photos but could we incorporate a prop… the Grey Cup! Her husband plays for the Argos, and they just won the Grey Cup. As fate would have it, their next prize arrived only a few days later. The timing of Baby K couldn’t have been more perfect. This family was truly on cloud 9! With football being such a large part of their lives, we had to capture a snap with the Argo’s newest and littlest fan 💕🏈 Being able to capture these Grey Cup newborn photos with Baby K was such a special occasion.
We started the morning with photos of just the parents and Baby K. Big brother V, eagerly joined us halfway through. I’m often asked about how to incorporate young siblings into newborn sessions? (As if capturing smiles with a newborn isn’t hard enough, how do you add a toddler into the mix?)
I encourage parents to book a session around their child’s napping schedule. Most often this is early in the morning, or following an afternoon nap. This will help to ensure toddlers are a bit happier and not as fussy leading up to nap time 😉 We also pause to take regular breaks – apples, gold fish, milk? Whatever your little one might need, it’s much easier to pause for a quick snack than to continue shooting hoping to capture the moment.

No time like the present to capture some precious family moments…
I find each and every year that comes to pass seems as though it moved faster than the ones before it. As we grow older time just seems to speed up. I like to remind people that it is so important to enjoy the present, and think of ways to capture the special moments your family is experiencing. As Mark Twain beautifully put it, “twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by ones you did do.” Having a family photoshoot is like creating a time capsule. One day you will be so thankful that this beautiful treasure travels through time with you. And hey even if your special little one is still en route here’s an example of a maternity shoot I did while the couple eagerly awaited the arrival!
by Gillian Foster